For president I endorse…

So Pat Robertson endorsed Rudy Giuliani the other day. To quote Adam Sandler in one of my all-time favorite movies, “Well, whoopidee dooo!” Meanwhile, Sen Sam Brownback, I guess the standard bearer for Christianity in the Senate, has endorsed John McCain. Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association, has endorsed Mike Huckabee (so did Chuck Norris FWIW). And a couple of weeks ago, Bob Jones endorsed Mitt Romney. All that while Dr. James Dobson and other evangelical leaders threaten to endorse a third party if the Republicans fail to nominate a pro-life candidate (see this post below). Do these differing opinions mean anything? Is it a harbinger of the collapse of the Religious Right?

Not really. It’s really more reflective of a reality of Christians overlooked by political “experts.” Remember, there are hundreds of different denominations split over things as important as whether or not you have Sunday School. Do you honestly think if Christians can’t be united under Jesus that some politician can unite them? And this is a good thing, really. I’d rather have a fractured “christian” political base than one united on only one or two issues. I’d rather not be shoe-horned into a political party just because of my faith. And I especially don’t want dishonest politicians pandering to me in the name of my Lord with the aim to be elected to office, not to bring Him glory.

There are a lot of people surprised by Pat Robertson’s endorsement. After all, Rudy doesn’t have the most conservative record when it comes to abortion and gay rights. However, this isn’t an indication of Robertson becoming less narrow minded. Instead, it represents his strong and very public stance on the Global War on Terror. As much as it seems he says some ridiculous things like Hurricane Katrina being about homosexuality, he talks much more frequently and more firmly about terrorism. So this news shouldn’t be taken as an encouraging sign of the Christian Right, but instead an endorsement of a 21st Century Crusade.

But again, these figureheads don’t speak for me. And I don’t pledge allegiance to any doctrine based on their words, but on God’s alone. There is some discussion online that this endorsement will drive moderates away from Giuliani. I don’t think so. I just think reality is finally exposing the mythology of the “value voter”. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. (For a counter argument on the state of the evangelical voter, see this article)

Forwarded e-mails

I love these, I really do. Especially when they take a Christian theme and end with something like, “if you really love God, you’ll forward this to 500 people. I won’t know if you forward it or not, but God will.” But seriously, they are usually encouraging (at least until that last sentence) or are pontificating on an issue or issues I somewhat agree with. In fact, because I often agree in principle with many of these emails I tried to start one several years ago citing statistics about the number of so-called Christians in this country versus the number who read their Bible or attend church regularly, the numbers of teen-pregnancies and abortions, and the percentage of the population who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. I was curious to see if I’d ever get it back and what transformations it would take before it got back to me. But it never did. Perhaps it hit too close to home. Or perhaps I failed to attribute my rant to a celebrity.

I just got one of these. Maybe you’ve seen it. It’s titled, “Paul Harvey on Prayer.” I’m always suspicious whenever I see one of these credited to someone famous. So I checked it out on Snopes and sure enough, it’s not true. It is a real article, but not by Paul Harvey.

What gets my goat, is that even though I agree with the thoughts contained therein and the desire to forward it to the whole world, at some point some well-intended Christian flat out lied when he or she originated this email. And for all the times it’s been forwarded, how many Christians have actually checked to see if what is written is true or if it is credited to the right author? In fact, this particular email dates back to 2000. So just think about how many times it’s been forwarded, or how many times it’s shown up in your inbox, in those seven years!

Here’s my email in all it’s glory (minus the Meg-or-so of graphics that came with):

Keep this going around the globe….read it and forward every time you receive it. We can’t give up on this issue.
Paul Harvey and Prayer

Paul Harvey says:
I don’t believe in Santa Claus, but I’m not going to sue somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December. I don’t agree with Darwin, but I didn’t go out and hire a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his Theory of Evolution

Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer before a football game.

So what’s the big deal? It’s not like somebody is up there reading the entire book of Acts. They’re just talking to a God they believe in and asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and the fans going home from the game.

But it’s a Christian prayer, some will argue.
Yes, and this is the United States of America, a country founded on Christian principles. According to our very own phone book, Christian churches outnumber all others better than 200-to-1. So what would you expect — somebody chanting Hare Krishna?

If I went to a football game in Jerusalem, I would expect to hear a Jewish prayer.

If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad, I would expect to hear a Muslim prayer.

If I went to a ping pong match in China, I would expect to hear someone pray to Buddha.

And I wouldn’t be offended. It wouldn’t bother me one bit. When in Rome …

But what about the atheists? is another argument.
What about them? Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We’re not going to pass the collection plate. Just humor us for 30 seconds. If that’s asking too much, bring a Walkman or a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand. Call your lawyer!
Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don’t think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake the world’s foundations.

Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and grandparents taught us to pray before eating; to pray before we go to sleep.

Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to cease praying.
God, help us. And if that last sentence offends you, well . .. just sue me.

Credited to Nick Gholson, sports writer for the Witchita Falls, Texas Times Record News.

And the rest of the email, not written by either Gholson or Harvey, but by some Christian somewhere who lied about its authorship…

The silent majority has been silent too long.. It’s time we let that one or two who scream loud enough to be heard that the vast majority don’t care what they want. It is time the majority rules! It’s time we tell them, you don’t have to pray; you don’t have to say the pledge of allegiance; you don’t have to believe in God or attend services that honor Him. That is your right, and we will honor your right … But by golly, you are no longer going to take our rights away. We are fighting back … and we WILL WIN!

God bless us one and all … especially those who denounce Him , God bless America, despite all her faults. She is still the greatest nation of all.

God bless our service men who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship God.

May 2007 be the year the silent majority is heard and we put God back as the foundation of our families and institutions.
Keep looking up.

If you agree with this, please pass it on. If not delete it.

And now you know, the rest of the story!

And one last nitpick while I’m here. It mentions that Christian churches outnumber all others by 200-1. For that to really mean anything that would imply that only 1 out of 200 Americans are not Christians. Or in other words, 99.5% of the population are Christians. You and I both know that’s not anywhere close to the truth. The reason there are 200 Christian churches for every one of some other is because there are 200 takes on “one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Eph 4:4-6) If we were really following just Jesus and not some historical theologian or church leader, there would only be one church and that would be that.

Now forward that last paragraph to everyone in your address book. I won’t know if you forward it or not, but God will.

Two’s Company, Three’s a Crowd

Last week it was reported that leaders on the Christian right agreed that if either party fails to nominate a pro-life candidate, they would throw their support behind a third party. The biggest problem I have with this stance (and the Christian right movement in general) is that it draws a line in the sand relative to only two, very narrow, issues with the attitude of you’re either with us or against us. In two interviews I saw with Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, he painted these issues as, “non-negotiable” and, “black and white.” These two issues? Abortion and gay-marriage of course.

The problem with taking a stand on a platform of two issues, is that it considerably narrows your base, rendering it ineffective. In a more plural government, where there are many parties such as the Green Party, Communist Party, Labour Party, etc, that is fine because they often form coalitions on issues outside of their platform. But the American government is a two party system, and with good reason. The public frequently complains about the extremes of each party and how Congress is unable to compromise in the middle. This is the point of a two party system. The framers of the Constitution didn’t want extremists an opportunity to seize control over any branch of the government. They provided a system where there will always be a dissenting voice. When it comes to issues near and dear to a particular party, it requires compromise in order to receive favor from the opposition party. The complaint that nothing ever happens in Congress is actually a good thing. We don’t want Congress doing a lot. If our Senators and Representatives can’t reach a compromise on an issue, that is better than approving something on the fringes of either side. Now I admit that lately there seems to be an overwhelming unwillingness to compromise and meet in the middle with many issues, most visibly immigration reform. But the lack of compromise keeps the debate going.

By narrowing all you care about to two issues and giving an ultimatum to the major parties eliminates any possibility for each side to meet in the middle. And a majority of Americans are in the middle on most, if not all, issues. Many Christians, I would argue, oppose abortion but aren’t necessarily in favor of Roe v Wade being overturned. Similarly, I would argue that most Christians oppose gay-marriage, but wouldn’t support a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting it.

So a two-issue party isn’t the answer. History shows that in the two-plus decades conservative Christian voters have been rallying around the pro-life banner, there has been little to show for it on a national scale. The issue has created the “litmus test” for judges and political candidates. It is the first question asked of any Republican running for president or really just about any other office. And it is what is keeping the “Christian Right” from supporting either Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney. And what has that gotten us? Not much. And the reason is that the issue isn’t a political one. Even when a candidate is chosen based on who they would nominate to the Supreme Court, that judge still has to be approved by a divided Congress. So how much power does a President or a single Congressperson really have? The Constitution intended for not a lot.

On the issue of gay-marriage, that’s even stickier. That’s why some would favor a Constitutional Amendment. Because that’s the only way an all-out prohibition would stick without being overturned by the courts. There needs to be a compelling public interest in limiting the legal right to marry. Such is the case for polygamy, pedophilia, and common-law marriage. And despite your personal views on the issue, such a case has not yet been made when it comes to gay-marriage.

So no matter a candidate’s view on any single issue, he or she will always face political opposition, the separation of powers, and constitutionality. That’s why I could care less about a candidate’s view on those two issues. In the end, they really can’t make that much difference.

I believe the battle for the “culture of life” is not a political one, but a spiritual one and is therefore not fought in Washington, but in the heart and soul of the common individual. And the way it is fought is by preaching and living the Gospel and, “watch[ing] your life and doctrine closely. Persever[ing] in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.”

As for a third party, I admit that part of me longs for a legitimate “Christian” party with a tent big enough to include both the social gospel and the culture of life. One that is beyond only two issues, but also addresses poverty, the importance of family, the culture of greed so evident in this country, sex permeating our culture and influencing our children, and on and on. Yet, there’s a reason we still have, after over 200 years, only two parties. We need the debate. And we need to prevent radicals on all sides from gaining too much political power.

What is a “True” Christian?

Well, what do you think? Is it the means by which you believe you are saved? Whether your doctrine is based on sola scriptura or apostolic tradition? Do you speak where the Bible speaks and silent where the Bible is silent, or is it the other way around? If you’re faith-alone, grace-alone, Calvinist, Swedenborgian, or Arminian? Are you premillennial, postmillennial, or

Or is it how you vote? Your stance on the “big two” wedge issues, abortion and gay marriage? Whether you subscribe to the social gospel or the culture of life?

Do you need the Ten Commandments hanging somewhere in your house or a crucifix instead? Do you have a family Bible, or one held together by duct-tape that you read every day? Do you pray with your head down or hands raised? Are you sold-out, evangelistic, and fruitful?

There are literally thousands of Christian denominations out there divided over issues such as these and some even more mundane like whether or not your church building has a kitchen. This is despite Paul’s admonishment to, “3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— 5one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (Eph 4:3-6) Count the “ones” in this passage and compare that to the cafeteria of choices we have when it comes to choosing a church.

Yet Jesus was very clear in telling us what is really important when asked, 36″Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Mt 22:36-40)

So what is a “true” Christian? I would argue one who loves God with all their hearts, mind, soul and strength, and who love their neighbors as themselves. I couldn’t tell you if someone I pass by on the street loves God with all their heart. Or even the person I sit next to at church every Sunday. Only God knows the answer to that one. But loving your neighbor as yourself is more evident in the way we live our lives.

My wife gave birth to our second child and first daughter a week ago today. Since then there’s been a deluge of visits, phone calls, gifts and prayers from brothers and sisters in our church. Not to mention a steady diet of home cooked food prepared out of the goodness of someone else’s heart. (Honestly if not for that, we’d be living off of fast food as we’re too much of zombies to do much else.) Many of those who have brought us their specialty dish we’re not necessarily close to. But they are loving their neighbor nonetheless. This is despite the fact that a couple of our best friends gave birth to their firstborn four days prior and they have been the recipients of the same warmth and service. It’s not as if our church is full of people with the means to do this on a regular basis. And it’s not as if this level of love and selflessness is apparent on a weekly basis when I see their faces on Sunday. Yet I know that when I step into church tomorrow I will be greeted warmly with many congratulations, hearty hugs, and sincere smiles. I will feel at home and I will feel surrounded by genuine Christians who truly love their neighbors as themselves.

Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s

As an ironic headline to follow up my last post, the IRS has officially dropped its investigation of a Pasadena Episcopal church while the church wants a formal apology. What was the IRS investigating? A sermon a couple of weeks before the 2004 election that was against the war in Iraq. Huh? The IRS investigating a church about a political sermon, how does that work?

A little background on what this is about. Churches file with the IRS as 501(c)(3) organizations, or a “tax-exempt non-profits.” This designation prohibits churches, and other non-profit groups, from explicitly participating in political campaigns or implicitly endorsing one particular candidate over another. This rule stems from Lyndon B Johnson’s 1954 Senate campaign that was facing opposition from non-profit groups. At the time, churches were already tax-exempt and this amendment to the tax code wasn’t directed towards churches but rather politically active non-profit groups (think the historical equivalent of Swift Boat Veterans For Truth or Yet because churches fell under the same tax code as those groups the political restriction applied to them as well. But, despite the growing entanglement between churches and politics, rarely does the IRS actually cite a particular church. But while one could quickly side with a church, regardless of the topic preached, it is a little known fact that a church does not have to file as a 501(c)(3). The only real impact not having “non profit” status would have would be that parishioners wouldn’t be able to deduct church contributions on their tax forms. For megachurches with very large incomes, it would also be a significant tax burden. But for a local church, it wouldn’t make much difference.

Despite this, there was a bit of an uproar when this investigation first became public. And the sermon in question was a hot topic: The Iraq War. It did seem like the IRS came at this from out of the blue with a biased political agenda, despite being a non-partisan government bureaucracy. So I do think the IRS was poking its head where it didn’t belong.

On the other hand, I question whether such preaching is really edifying. Does preaching on political issues build up “unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God [to] become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:13)? In other words, would preaching about the Iraq war help someone in attendance to become more Christlike if already a Christian or lead one to Christ if not? Not to mention that the purpose of meeting as an assembly of believers is to worship. Is this worship, or is it just grandstanding?

As for the topic itself, there are two main camps with most people falling somewhere in between. One camp is across the board pacifist, not just opposing war but also opposing military service. That side can look back in history to Roman soldiers who were required to serve in the Roman army but would not pledge allegiance to Caesar. Some would refuse to be crowned with laurels, a homage to Ares, the god of war. The other camp looks at what is happening in the Middle East and reads Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation and concludes that war, especially in the Middle East, will hasten Jesus’ return. Never mind that the same was preached up to two decades ago about Russia. Nevertheless, I was quite nervous when Syria and Israel were trading rockets a year ago and one of the regions affected was Megiddo (where we get the word “Armageddon”).

So what would be acceptable? To me, a sermon on the above differences in opinion, with scriptures to support both, would certainly be relevant to a church service. But pontificating on an increasingly unpopular war on the other hand, would not. We need to be careful as Christ’s body to use our worship to encourage one another, grow in faith, become more Christlike and to glorify God. Our religion should inform our politics, not the other way around.

What was old is new again

Ok, it’s been another three-ish weeks since my last post. At least I’m consistent. The problem I run into is that I see a headline or something comes to me and the wheels in my head start turning. I spend a lot of time doing research, I get distracted, I don’t get online for a long time, and when I finally do get a minute either I’ve forgotten what had me so riled up in the first place or the headline that caught my attention is no longer relevant. And then here we are, three weeks later.

Most recently, I was wanting to post about Elvira Arellano and the use of churches as sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. I was studying my Bible about the role of sanctuary cities and a word study on refuge. Then time flies, and while the illegal immigration debate is still going on (and likely will so long as it continues to be politicized without any desire from either side for a real solution) this story kinda went away. Well, other than the president of Mexico offering to send her to the US to be an ambassador and would therefore be afforded all the rights and privileges of a Mexican citizen in the United States. But the post wasn’t going to be about her, but about what role should our churches play in this debate? And that issue has come up again.

This week, the city of Simi Valley sent a bill of $40,000.00 to a local church for the police required to keep order during a protest outside their doors. The protest wasn’t organized by them, wasn’t planned by them, and really wasn’t even participated in by them. But the rationale was that since their actions, by allowing an illegal immigrant to seek refuge in their church, they incited the protest and that they should be the ones held responsible. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

If this holds up, it sets a dangerous precedent for the church. Would a church be held financially responsible if there’s a protest on their stance against homosexuality? Or what if a synagogue is vandalized with anti-Semitic tagging, would you hold them responsible? Fortunately, from what I’ve read most agree that this is an infringement on that church’s First Amendment right and a ploy to passive-aggressively stake their ground on the illegal immigration debate.

But that’s not really the point of this either. Is this something we, the church, Christ’s ambassadors, should be getting involved in? There’s no legal standard for a church being a sanctuary for fugitives. Rather it’s an unwritten rule, kinda like fighting on Holy Ground in Highlander. But what’s the history behind it? Obviously our country began as a refuge for many seeking religious freedom. The motivation behind the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment was to keep the government from dictating a state religion so any faith could be practiced freely. Churches were central as sanctuaries pre-abolition just as they were involved during the Civil Rights Movement. So there’s historical precedent. But is there Biblical precedent?

When settling in Israel, the refugees from Egypt were given instructions by God to set aside “sanctuary cities”. These were cities where one could flee if accused of murder so that their case could be heard by the elders before they were killed in revenge. The fine print though, was that they had to be innocent. Romans instructs us that we should obey the law of the land because every authority on Earth is there but for the grace of God. So is it right for a church to be a sanctuary for someone breaking the law, even if we don’t agree with that law?

Another refugee from authorities wrote many Psalms about God being his only refuge. David was being hunted down and though he lived in caves and some towns let him hide, he knew that his only refuge was God Almighty.

But we are also commanded not to “oppress an alien; you yourselves know how it feels to be aliens, because you were aliens in Egypt.” (Exodus 23:9) And let’s not forget about the Good Samaritan, a foreigner. We also read in James, “15Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? (James 2:15-16)

So what should we do? Where’s the line between giving to a “foreigner” in need and giving them employment? Where’s the line between being sympathetic to illegal immigrants and offering your church as a sanctuary? First, we need to heed to existing laws. Second, we need to reach out to meet the needs of those who are here illegally. They’re here for a reason, after all; the economy in Mexico is an absolute mess. Finally third, we need to be careful not to skate on the thin ice of the hot political topic de jour. We need to let our lights shine, be the salt of the earth, and represent Christ in all we do. My question for all those “safe churches”, are you doing everything you can to enable the immigrant you’re harboring to get on a path to citizenship? What are the circumstances of him or her facing deportation (immigration officers have their hands too full to want to deport someone ‘just because’)? Are you just seeking headlines?

Yes, families are affected and depending on where you live, chances are there’s someone in your congregation who is here illegally. But the church as an institution exists to meet the needs of its parishioners. In this case, that means helping them gain citizenship, legally. Sanctuary in the Bible requires innocence, and unfortunately none of us on either side of this debate are wholly innocent.

Hi, my name is Michael Vick and I’ve found Jesus

Today was the anticipated plea bargain for Michael Vick. There’s an endless debate online on whether he’ll ever play again, if the media firestorm is race-related, will the public forgive him, and on and on. So I won’t go down that road. But in the following press conference, which appeared genuine and sincere, it stood out to me that “through this situation,” he found Jesus, asked for forgiveness, and turned his life over to God because he (and this is my favorite part), “think[s] that’s the right thing to do as of right now.”

My question is, when is it not the right thing to do? Turning to God is an easy PR scapegoat when we get our hands caught in the cookie jar. Either that, or rehab. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure God appreciates being “turned to” and I know Jesus appreciates being “found” whenever we actually get around to doing it. After all God, “wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Tim 2:4) And we know that trials build our faith (James 1, 1 Peter 1). But it’s awfully convenient when one’s repentance is made so public.

On a related note, I finally caught an episode of “Saving Grace” on TNT. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a story of a cop who makes a desperate cry to God for help and help comes in the form of a tobacco chewing, beer drinking angel named Earl. Ok, it sounds hokey and borderline blasphemous, but it follows a similar mold as “Highway to Heaven”, “Touched by an Angel” and “Joan of Arcadia” where an angel comes to prove God’s existence to a skeptic while at the same time saving the day before the hour episode is up. This show isn’t much different, except it’s much grittier and I was surprised to hear cussing on TNT. I like how the show seems to be structured, the angel is helping Grace with one part of her very flawed character per episode, in tonight’s case it was lying. But I had a hard time being drawn into the story because the grounded storyline, investigating the brutal beating and murder of a woman, didn’t reflect the larger lesson Grace was supposed to learn. Now I admit to being pretty cynical while watching it and I also admit that my short attention span didn’t allow me to actually finish the episode (it was against MNF afterall). But I was intrigued just enough to want to see more.

What does this have to do with Michael Vick? Well, it perpetuates in the media the notion that repentance is easy and God is right there on-call whenever we have a crisis of faith. But if the goings not tough, we can forget about God for a while knowing fully well that he’ll be there when we really need him, as though we don’t always need him. Look, I hope Vick’s new found faith takes him down the same road as Reggie White. (Not meaning to link any of this scandal to anything done by White, but rather as an example of a professional football player who was also a minister) Just as I hope that people who see “Saving Grace” are moved to take a deeper look at their own faith and relationship with God, or lack thereof. But Hollywood has made me too cynical. However, my faith in God, and the ability of his word to be so sharp as to “divide soul and spirit” should cut through those chains of cynicism. Let’s hope so.

My Barry Bonds Rant

What? You were expecting something else after three-ish weeks off? Well, I’ve got a lot in my head, but it’s all stuck behind this, so bear with me. I’m a baseball nut, I can’t help it.

Back when we were anticipating the dawn of the Millennium, everybody and their dog had a list of the Top Whatever of the Century. ESPN had the Top 100 Baseball Players of the Century and there was a lot of debate on who should be on top. I remember debating with friends then, the merit of Barry Bonds. I would have had him in my all time outfield, and this was before he hit 73. Most of my friends thought I was on crack for thinking so, but you couldn’t deny the numbers. He was a 400-400 man. He was a pretty good fielder (at the time). And he hit lights out. He was like Tony Gwynn or Kirby Puckett with a lot of power. You couldn’t get a ball by him. And I was looking forward to watching him and Ken Griffey Jr. chase each other for the Big One. 755. Hammerin‘ Hank Aaron. But history took a different turn.

I remember there being a lot of debate on the inflated numbers of home runs in the league at the time, but little discussion of steroids. I argued that smaller parks, expansion and therefore thin pitching staffs, smaller strike zones, and a stupid rule on hitting batters that pretty much prevented any pitcher from pitching inside were to blame. Oh yeah, and then there was the “juiced ball.” But then came BALCO, and Canseco, and Game of Shadows, and that all changed. Never mind Brady Anderson hitting 50 one season only to never really be heard from again. Never mind (much to our shame) the downward spiral Ken Camenitti’s (forgive my spelling) life took before it prematurely came to an end. It was now all about Bonds and his inevitable trajectory to 755.

I rooted against him. I prayed to the Baseball Gods (can I blaspheme on a blog about Christianity?) that something would keep him from it. I begged and pleaded that he’d just come clean, because face it, none of us would’ve cared if he would’ve come out when the firestorm began. Be contrite. Respect the fans and respect the game, and we’ll cheer you to 800 of that’s where you take us. But it wasn’t to be. Here’s a guy born into baseball with a silver bat in one hand and a golden glove on the other. And he knew it. And he wore body armor and hovered over the plate daring anyone to come near him with a pitch. And he hit home run after home run after home run.

I wanted to find a reason to root against him. He was limping to the record. Aaron never took all those days off, I’d rationalize. But then I’d remember how Ruth was an embarrassment to himself at the end. So the golden number really should’ve been something like 690 instead of 714.

But there I was, hoping for some baseball poetry a week ago to see if it would happen against Hank’s own team, the Atlanta Braves. This had some significance for me as well. My mom is from Atlanta and despite my allegiance to the Cubbies, I’ve easily been to more Braves games than all other teams combined. So it felt right to be there. And it was only right for the Baseball Gods to see to it that the game before went 13 innings so Bonds would sit that day. Go figure. I met up with my sister to see if we could see Swingin‘ Sammy hit any onto Waveland in that milestone year of 98. He went 0-fer both days we were there. So it’s only fair that he’d tie the record on the road against the Padres, where I couldn’t see it, while I was distracted doing something else.

This isn’t about race either. I found an article online on how if Bonds’ record is tainted by steroids, all these old records are tainted because the players from the Golden Age of baseball didn’t play against black competition. I was only able to read half the essay (about 10 pages) before my blood was boiling too much to continue. Not because I’m some racist. But because anyone who makes that argument isn’t a baseball fan. I hear it a lot on sports-talk radio, and poll numbers back it up, that whites are much more opposed to Bonds breaking the record than blacks. But why then, do we care so much that he’s passing another black player in Aaron? One who came out of a segregated and impoverished Mobile, Alabama? My other counter argument is that if that’s the case, then Aaron’s record should be considered tainted as well because he didn’t play against the Japanese. After all, the professional record isn’t Aaron’s, but Sadaharo Oh, a Japanese player. And soon, the all time record for hits in professional baseball will be held by a Japanese player–Ichiro. So do all those records not count?

We revere the records because they stand the test of time, not because of the era that produced them. We respect them because so many seasons come and go without anyone even approaching them. And the names that are spoken of with awe are regarded by history not by the numbers they put up but by the legends that surround them. Shoeless Joe Jackson is a great example of this. Despite the numbers put up by Charlie Hustle, his legend is sealed by his gambling. And regrettably, Barry Bonds’ legend will be forever tied to steroids. And it’s a shame too, because he’s one of the best to ever swing a stick.

I guess you could file this under Off Topic. But to tie it in, I recommend this book, “The Faith of 50 Million” on baseball and religion and baseball as religion. It’s pretty dense as an academic book, and I haven’t finished it yet myself, but it really puts into perspective why we’d root against someone like Bonds and for someone like A-Rod. It also puts baseball in a role as a cultural religion with living parables and endless moral lessons. So maybe this isn’t as off topic as you’d think.

Week in review: Jl 8-14

Ok, so the week isn’t done yet, but tomorrow is my wife’s birthday and I plan on spending it on a beach, not blogging here. I hope you forgive me.

First a couple of headlines that are good follow-ups to my last post. A couple of days ago the Pew Research Center released a study showing more working mothers would prefer to work part time so they could be home with their children. The number that would prefer to stay home full-time has stayed pretty much the same. I’m a fan of the part-time option myself. As a personal testimony, my wife, a special education teacher, took a year off after our son was born. A year later, she didn’t want to work full time. She changed districts hoping for a part-time opportunity. She had her doubts, I encouraged her to pray about it, and we prayed together. She went in to interview and was told right off that there weren’t any part time positions available. Then one of the interviewers said, “wait you said you’re special ed?” Then, “whisper, whisper, whisper” to the other interviewers. Then, “we do have this one opportunity if you’re interested…” I’m confident God knows what is best for us. We need to trust him for the right opportunity and sometimes that means going out on a limb.

Today, I read that fewer teens are having sex and there are fewer teenage pregnancies. This is credited to safer sex, but that doesn’t explain that fewer are having sex to begin with. I think both safe-sex education and abstinence education go hand in hand in this good news. Despite these programs though, we need to remember that the best place for our children to learn about sex is in our homes. And we, as parents, need to be open and frank with risks and consequences as well as realistic with the topic of contraception.

Finally, yesterday’s session of the Senate opened in a Hindu prayer and a couple of protesters were thrown out of the gallery. I want to first call attention to a quote from Barry Lynn (Americans United for Separation of Church and State) that the protest, “shows the intolerance of many religious right activists. They say they want more religion in the public square, but it’s clear they mean only their religion.” I seldom agree with him, but he has a point. The Senate can open up in any prayer they want. What ruffles my feathers is the focus of the prayer, opening, “We meditate on the transcendental glory of the Deity Supreme, who is inside the heart of the Earth, inside the life of the sky and inside the soul of the heaven. May He stimulate and illuminate our minds.” I don’t mind non-denomonational prayers, Hindu prayers, Muslim prayers, ecumenical prayers, and on and on. But this prayer was instead a proclamation of faith. Very different than something like, “God bless this Senate and the United States of America” which is vague, can apply to any God and/or any faith. It can be argued that Christians can pray publicly in schools or in government if they left out “in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.” But to call on a deity, describe him/her, and then ask for him/her to be glorified on the floor of the Senate seemed like nothing more than grandstanding. Contrast this with the memorial for the victims at Virginia Tech. Every minister of every faith called on the name of their own deity, except for the Christian minister. Religious political correctness has neutered even preachers of the Gospel. And that is sad. So instead of protesting a Hindu prayer, we need to more boldly proclaim the Gospel. Instead of being afraid of being politically correct, we need to pray with faith to our God, in the name of Jesus.


Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do.
Girls become lovers, who turn into mothers
So mothers be good to your daughters, too.
-John Mayer, “Daughters”

If you haven’t heard, the wife of Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa filed for divorce recently over an affair the mayor has had ongoing with a Telemundo newscaster. This may not sound like news, a politician caught in adultery, after all several of the Republican candidates for president can relate. But one of the local LA papers on Sunday had a very powerful editorial on the consequence this has on his family and how this is a microcosm of a common plight among minority communities. In summary, there are too many youth growing up without fathers. And it’s not just minorities either. Even very-white pop-star John Mayer understands the importance of a strong male role model in the family.

Broken homes, absent parents, workaholic parents, and so on create a generation of latch-key kids that are likely to follow the same cycle. Many teenage parents that I know are children of teenage parents. Getting a divorce? Odds are, your parents did too. And that’s just in the family. I’ve added a link in “resources” for Focus on the Family. I didn’t want to when I first started this blog because I don’t agree with their politics. However, I agree with their message and I understand why they take the political stands they do. Dr. Dobson understands clearly that our current culture is a threat to Christian families. I’ve read two books of his and they are full of statistics that should scare any parent.

But it’s not just a risk to the traditional family structure. It’s also a risk to our communities at-large because fatherless boys are more likely to be involved in violent crimes, drop out of school, abuse alcohol or drugs, and just about every other malady you can think of. Why join a gang? To be accepted by older males who act as role models and to have your masculinity affirmed. To do the job of a father. So what are Christian churches to do? Why, loudly proclaim how gay marriage threatens the sanctity of marriage, of course. Wha, huh?

But some churches are beginning to figure it out. The biggest threat to our families and the “sanctity of marriage” is ourselves. Divorce is just as common if not moreso in Christian churches than in the world at-large. Of course adultery, pornography, alcoholism, and drug addiction can be found throughout our congregations if for no better reason than that we are all sinners. But it’s too easy to focus on the speck in others’ eyes and ignore the plank in our own. Too many churches are afraid to call sin, sin and expect repentance in their congregations. Why you can’t have expectations or accountability of your church members, that would make you a cult. But I digress. Like I said, some churches are turning inward to rid themselves of their splinter-filled plank.

In Chicago recently, the National Baptist Convention met and were challenged to “reduce by 25 percent the rate of black divorce, teen pregnancy, illiteracy, murder and HIV infection by 2012.” Black churches are leading the charge, and it’s about time they do. I’m personally not a fan of segregated congregations. After all, there is neither Greek nor Jew in Christ. But traditional black churches are in a unique position to tackle issues that if someone else, anyone else, were to address they’d be labeled as racist. Other church leaders could learn from this example. In Los Angeles, the ministers and pastors embraced by the local black community are often found in the limelight throwing stones at the police or local politicians but seldom seem to care about the issues within their own walls (First AME Church, I’m looking at you).

I hope and pray this creates ripples in our culture so that we, as Christians, can hold up the value of family and not look like a bunch of hypocrites. That church leaders can expect morality in their congregations without being labelled as legalistic. That a new generation of children can be raised in homes with loving and available parents (note the s) present throughout their lives. Only then can we affect the world around us, with the example of Christ in our homes and with his bride, the Church.