Are you uncomfortable?

Yesterday’s sermon was preached out of Matthew 8 relating to Jesus’ authority. But like most Sundays, the subject in the foreground was overtaken by my wheels turning in the background. I couldn’t stop thinking about the leper at the beginning of the chapter. If you’ve ever heard a sermon involving one of the many lepers Jesus encountered, no doubt the minister spent some time describing the situation: how leprosy was very contagious and spread via touch, so the leper had to stay out of town and announce his presence to anyone who approached. You’ve also likely heard that a leper is ceremonially unclean, so Jesus’ healing touch carried additional weight.

Now put yourself in the leper’s shoes (or sandals). You are outcast from the rest of society. You have to humiliate yourself if anyone even walks by so that everyone knows your condition. And worst of all, you are unclean, unable to participate in the religion of your forefathers. There are several ways you could react, but I think of two extremes. On one end you could be malicious, not caring about the health (spiritual and physical) of others and intermingle with the community as you spread your disease to unwitting victims. On the other end, you willingly accept your fate and you take seriously the severity of your affliction. You shout “Unclean! Unclean!” to every passer-by, not because you’re supposed to, but because you genuinely care about that person’s health- spiritual and physical. But you cannot avoid feeling humiliated. You cannot avoid feeling uncomfortable.

Last week, Sarah Salter returned from a missions trip to Sudan (no, I’m not calling her a leper!). Recently Duane Scott described one of his experiences as a missionary in Ghana. Me? I’ve been to Wal-Mart after 10pm. Seriously though, I’ve never made myself uncomfortable for the sake of the physical and spiritual health of another to the same extent as a missionary. Not saying that missionaries are some sort of uber-Christian, rather that God leads each of us uniquely to places where we are uncomfortable for His sake. Which leads me to my question of the week:

Where has God led you that you have been most uncomfortable for the sake of another?

And did you follow because you were supposed to, or because you sincerely cared about the needs being met?

Weekend Reading, 24 July

Some common threads looking back at this week…

First to set the tone, grab a Big Mac and check out this picture from JesusNeedsNewPR. Then be sure to read the scathing, but deserved, commentary that follows.
Makes me wonder why we even go to church? (via Esther Meek at Common Grounds)
I hope were offering real conversion. If we are, we have mission and a method, even if we don’t do a good job of it. (thanks to Kevin Martineau at Shooting the Breeze and Matt Appling at The Church of No People)
At least, I hope our lives are preaching the “best sermon” someone else will hear. Because you never know who that someone might be. (from CNN and Donald Miller)

For a summer diversion, maybe you’re taking a road trip. If so, you’re not the only one. (Duane Scott and CaryJo Roadrunner beat you to it)
Or maybe you’re catching the latest summer blockbuster. Watch Inception, then read this from Cerulean Sanctum.

Flashback Friday: Converter

***This week’s flashback is inspired by this awesome post from The Church of No People. On the same subject, it is worth linking Jonathan Sigmon writing at Relevant Magazine and John Shore writing the opposite POV at Huffington Post.***

My wife and I have been fortunate in the last couple of weeks to baptize a couple of our friends into Christ. Leading up to the first baptism, I was telling someone I was with that I needed to leave for a Bible study. When asked what about, I stumbled for an answer and said, “conversion.” (wrongly thinking that the arbitrary titles given to our studies are meaningless unless you’re in them) Naturally, that answer raised an eyebrow. The word conversion has negative connotations bringing images of the Crusades, cliches like converting the heathens, and highlights one of the most common negative images of Christianity in our culture- that we’re right and everyone else is wrong.

The book unChristian uses several surveys, many by Barna Research, to identify preconceptions and misconceptions of “outsiders” and Christians, respectively. (I share the author’s hesitancy in using the term “outsiders” because it is a loaded term, but is most illustrative of the purpose behind the study) A chapter titled, Get Saved!, brings the attitudes towards conversion to light. A telling number, emblematic of the disconnect between Christianity and our culture, is that “only one-third of young outsiders believe that Christians genuinely care about them.” While, “64 percent of Christians… believe that outsiders would perceive their efforts as genuine.”

Love-bombing visitors then dropping them like bad habits once they become full-fledged members of the church is all too common and only adds to this stereotype. The attitude of “I’m right and you’re wrong, so therefore you’re going to Hell” that is portrayed when we try and share our faith doesn’t help this image any either. Add to that the infighting and competition for numbers within and between churches and you begin to see why outsiders would have a polar opposite opinion of our intentions.

While the word conversion may sound holier-than-thou, it shouldn’t. Think of the word. Conversion means change. You need a power converter when traveling overseas so that you can use your hair-dryer (120 V) in foreign wall sockets (220 V). You need to convert electricity from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) to use most electronics. In both of these cases, the electricity is changed into something useful. It is still electricity, but is put in a form that we can use.

Religious conversion is really the same thing. It’s not about “I’m right, you’re wrong.” It is about being changed into something useful to God. Jesus told Nicodemus, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3) Being born again implies a new creation, i.e. change. Ironically, Barna defines a “born-again Christian” as one who has only “accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior.” The term “Evangelical” narrows down this definition by adding the conditions of “1) saying their faith is very important in their life today; 2)believing they have a personal responsibility to share their religious beliefs about Christ with non-Christians; 3) believing that Satan exists; 4) believing their eternal salvation is possible only through grace, not works; 5) believing that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; 6)asserting that the Bible is accurate in all that it teaches; 7) describing God as the all-powerful, perfect deity who created the universe and still rules it today.” Neither of these definitions say anything about change, even though Jesus said, “unless…”

Paul instructs us to “be transformed” (Romans 12:2) and reminds us that “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17). That is conversion. That’s why I so appreciate the ministry of Paul Washer (Heartcry Missionary Society- see link on the sidebar). His emphasis is that simply praying the Sinner’s Prayer doesn’t convert you. Without evidence of change brought about by the Holy Spirit, can you really argue that you’ve been converted? I always joke that praying Jesus into your heart works. It’s just that once Jesus is there, he’s hanging out asking “now what?”

So when I share my faith, of course I want to convert them. But that doesn’t mean I want them to conform to my way of thinking, or my personal theology/doctrine/denominationalism. It means I want to see the Holy Spirit come into their lives and change them. Maybe that is still judgemental, thinking that they even need change. But I see addiction, abuse, selfishness, and pride on a daily basis. Our media drowns us with greed and lust. I see no evidence in the world-at-large to make me believe that others don’t need change. I can’t do it. I can only offer it. I’m nothing special. But Jesus Christ is.

Trip Planner

Last weekend my family decided to take a last-minute spontaneous road trip to the beach. One of my best friends growing up was in the neighborhood, i.e. the same state, camping on the beach and invited me to stop on by to say hi. How could I refuse? The problem however, was that I’m not good at acting spontaneously. I get wound up and stress out too easily when things aren’t planned out in my head. These plans also conflicted with plans we already made, nor did it really fit in our budget, rocking the boat even more. But we persevered, hitting the road at 3:00 when we were shooting for 11:00. Despite saying several words I shouldn’t have, and stressing out far more than necessary, it was completely worth it. It was the first time my son was brave enough to play in the ocean. Plus my friend has a son roughly the same age and they hit it off right away. As I posted on Facebook when I got home, I’ve never seen my son have so much fun.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? (and are willing to share online)

As much fun as that was, however, I still prefer to have a plan. Normally when we road trip as a family and aim to leave at 11:00, we get out the door at around 1:00. That’s even with a plan. In other words, I need to be a better planner.

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD‘s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21)

Are you a good planner? What’s your secret? (really, I need all the help I can get!)

Every long holiday weekend is filled with “news from AAA that more people are planning on hitting the road for vacation than last year…” combined with news about gas prices, drunk driving arrests, and of course lists of the most popular destinations. The same news can be heard throughout the summer. Kids are on vacation, the weather is great, and highways are… under construction.

You have to go into the summer with a plan. Where are you going? Which weekend? Will the family you plan on visiting actually be home then? Will you be back in time for so-and-so’s wedding? Is there a baseball game in town while you’re there (actually this is usually the first thing I check)?

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)

What are your priorities when planning your vacation?

Our spirituality should be no different. We need a plan. I mentioned yesterday how we need to plan out our spiritual work-out regimen. Too often we close a book not knowing what to read next or rely on flimsy verse-of-the-day calendars to guide our spiritual growth. And we wonder why we get stuck nursing on milk? Planning a whole season is an even greater challenge. What books to read? What topics to cover? What specific prayers to pray? It helps to enter into the season with a plan. You can’t go on your road trip without a map.

“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.” (Proverbs 21:5)

What are your spiritual plans for this summer?
If you don’t have a plan, now is the time to build one. If you can’t think of any plans, ask for input (Proverbs 20:18). Don’t let this season pass without a measure of growth. Look back at your vacation photos with no regrets.

Today continues this summer’s ‘virtual small group’ (VSG in the tags). I hope you come back as I take this season to reflect on the wonders of God’s creation, share vacation stories, etc, with the prayer that we come out of this season closer to God than how we came into it.

What are you studying?

We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! (Hebrews 5:11-12)

This came up during my small group last week and is a regular dilemma. When you wake up in the morning, how do you decide what to study from the Word of God? Do you go with a “verse of the day” calendar? Do you have a study plan (Bible in a year)? Have you just picked up a great book that’s challenging and inspiring you? (Then what do you do when you’re done?)

Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. (v 13-14)

I liken it to training. An athlete has specific training plans. A basketball player struggling with free throws will be practicing free throws. A football player may be practicing pass-blocking. All of their training revolves around improving in that specific area: hands-on training, weight training, even diet are intentionally geared towards getting better.

In the passage above, our own Bible study is training us to distinguish good from evil. But our diet needs to compliment our exercise. We cannot grow on milk alone, we need solid food. In fact, we should be teaching one another, but cannot because we are so immature. So we need to identify our weaknesses and focus our training.

In what area of growth do you need focused training?

What does your diet consist of?

Does your blogging/blog-reading consist of milk or solid food?

Weekend Reading, 17 July

What you may have missed, or what’s worth reading again…



  • Inspiring history that led Glynn Young to the High Calling Blogs.
  • You could spend all weekend getting in the summer mood by reading all the posts at Bridget Chumbley’s blog carnival. But why are you doing that? Go outside!
  • But if you read any of the entries, read this. The post from Jason Stasyszen at Connecting to Impact is honest and vulnerable and reminds us that the tragedies we face in life often lead us to where we are today.
  • And if you’re looking for something to do while on summer vacation, maybe you could go on a mission trip to the Sudan. That’s what Sarah Salter is doing. Please keep her in your prayers.

Flashback Friday: Take me out to the ballgame

***Originally posted 8/02/08. Posted again in honor of the Midsummer Classic and the upcoming trading deadline (the hot stove is as much fun to follow as baseball itself, IMO)***

So we’re now officially in the playoff race with the passing of the trading deadline. Just a couple no-name players got moved. I mean, who’s this Manny Ramirez guy anyway? And Ken Griffey Jr? Who does he think he is, Ken Griffey Sr? Of course I’m kidding. But in the spirit of trying to get away from my obsession with politics, I want to instead focus on my greatest passion here on earth, baseball. And of course, I’ll make it relevant.

In college, I was given the opportunity to lead a small group Bible study. I was filling in for the brother who would usually lead and he left me with this valuable advice, “do whatever you want.” Of course, as a young Christian that was intimidating since all I knew was what we’ve done before. But I was tempted to think outside of the box. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes had Dave Dravecky as a speaker that same night. Besides the “pitch heard ’round the world,” he was a well known inspirational speaker and was very open about his faith. In 2004 he wrote the book Called Up, which I still need to get around to reading. But like I said, all I knew was what we’ve always done before. So I regret to this day not going, and instead offered a re-hashed discussion on one of Jesus’ parables which everyone had heard before.

There’s another book that’s recently been released that I want to get my hands on too, called Free Byrd by Paul Byrd and John Smoltz. Smoltzie you’ve probably heard of but if the name Paul Byrd doesn’t sound familiar, do a Google search of Paul Byrd and HGH. That’s right, you could lump him in with “roid heads” like Barry Bonds. But instead of being all surly to the public and press following getting busted, he’s instead been openly repentant and just as open about how his faith has seen him through.

But this isn’t just a book review either. Kathy Orton, over at her [now defunct] Praying Fields blog at the On Faith online community has several blog posts related to baseball including an interview with Luke Scott, pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles.

And if that doesn’t inspire you to follow the pennant races, let me finish with a couple of songs. No, not Take Me Out to the Ballgame, written by a couple of guys who hadn’t ever seen a game. But a couple more heartfelt and spiritual.

The First Ballgame
Lyrics by Johnny Mercer, 1947

My sermon today
Said the Reverend Jones
Is baseball and whence it came
If you take the Good Book And you take a good look
You will find the first baseball game

It says Eve stole first
And Adam second
Solomon umpired the game
Rebecca went to the well with the pitcher
And Ruth in the field made a name

Goliath was struck out by David
A base hit made on Abel by Cain
And the Prodigal Son made a great home run
Brother Noah gave checks out for rain

Now ole St Pete was checking errors
Also had charge of the gate
Salome sacrificed Big John the Baptist
Who wound up ahead on the plate

Delilah was pitching to Samson
When he brought down the house with a clout
And the Angels that day made a double play
That’s when Adam and Eve were thrown out

Now Jonah wailed and went down swinging
Later her popped up again
A line drive by old Nebuchadnezzar
Made Daniel warm up in the pen

Satan was pitching that apple
It looked as though he might fan them all
But then Joshua let go with a mighty
And he blasted one right at the wall
Shoutin come along and let’s play ball

Life is a Ballgame
Sister Wynona Carr © 1952

Life is a ballgame
Bein‘ played each day
Life is a ballgame
Everybody can play
Jesus is standin‘ at home plate
Waitin‘ for you there
Life is a ballgame, but
You’ve got to play it fair.

First base is temptation,
The second base is sin
Third base tribulation
If you pass you can make it in
Ol‘ man Solomon is the umpire
And Satan is pitchin the game
He’ll do his best to strike you out
Keep playin‘ just the same.

Daniel was the first to bat
You know he prayed three times a day
When Satan threw him a fast ball
You know he hit it anyway
Job came in the next inning
Satan struck him in every way,
But Job he hit a home run
And came on in that day.

Prayer will be your strong bat
To hit at Satan’s ball
And when you start to swing it
You’ve got to give it your all in all
Faith will be your catcher
On him you can depend
And Jesus is standing at Home Plate
Just waitin for you to come in.

Moses is standin‘ on the side lines
Just waitin to be called
And when he parted the Red Sea
He gave Christ is all-in-all
John came in the ninth inning
When the game was almost done
Then God gave John a vision
And he knew he’d all ready won.

Summertime and the livin’s easy?

“There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

There is a season for everything, but why is it that summer is so ingrained in our psyche? Nearly every coming of age drama is set during the summertime. We remember summer loves, family vacations, trips to the beach or mountains in sepia-tone.

What is one of your fondest summer memories?

Even once we grow up and our lives are consumed with the nine-to-five, summer still holds something special. Most of us don’t get the summer off (my wife is a teacher and I’m not envious, nope, not one bit) yet we are blessed with longer days, a trick of the sun to fool us into thinking we have more time than we do. So we plan weekend getaways, draft a list of honey-dos, uncover the grill.

How does summer change your daily routine?

Yet summer is just another season, and we are reminded there is a season for everything under heaven. It is easy to succumb to the temptation to take the summer off. School is out, so we stop learning. We fill our weekends with activities and neglect the Sabbath. Summer barbecues are accompanied with summer desserts. We take vacations and sleep in, losing our personal discipline. In a word, we become lazy.

Are you tempted by the lazy days of summer?

But with temptations are opportunities for growth. Many of us have summer reading lists. We plan vacations or weekend getaways with the family to build lasting memories. Last night, I took advantage of the additional daylight and pushed my kids on the swing for those extra minutes. But we need to fight the temptation or our best summer plans will look the same as our New Year resolutions months after we’ve given up on them.

“The harvest is past,
the summer has ended,
and we are not saved.”
(Jeremiah 8:20)

Don’t let this summer slip away. Don’t allow yourself to become too busy or too lazy to enjoy this season under heaven. Make memories. Have fun. Finish that project you’ve been putting off. Grow. But remember the creator that gives us this time, that blesses us with his sunshine.

This is one of many contributions to Bridget Chumbley’s Blog Carnival. Today’s topic is ‘summer’. Head on over and see what others have planned this season or reflect on others’ fondest memories.

Today also kicks off this summer’s ‘virtual small group’ (VSG in the tags). I hope you come back as I take this season to reflect on the wonders of God’s creation, share vacation stories, etc, with the prayer that we come out of this season closer to God than how we came into it.

What are your summer plans?

It’s time for another Virtual Small Group. In case you weren’t around, last time we went through the book, Living on the Edge, Dare to Experience True Spirituality by Chip Ingram, aka R12 The Book. I’m not going to share a book this time around (though that’s coming) and I’m going to follow a more traditional small group schedule of “meeting” once a week (versus daily for R12). The subject this time around is to share our summer together: vacations, barbecues, times sitting by the pool. Whatever your plans may be, my prayer is to come out of summer refreshed and one step closer to God. I plan on the group “meeting” every Tuesday to give most of the week for any discussion. That means we kick off tomorrow in Bridget Chumbley’s Blog Carnival. This week’s topic? Summer. Coincidence? I think not! So to get us in the spirit of summer (as if you’re not already!), I offer these questions:

What are your plans this summer?

How do you plan on drawing closer to God in the next 3-ish months?

Please leave a comment and please come back tomorrow as we kick off our virtual small group.

Flashback Friday: Jesus is my Campaign Manager

***Originally posted 10/23/08. Posted today in light of a radio station pulling support for a Christian music festival for inviting Jim Wallis as a speaker in addition to my debate with Sojourners on Twitter and in my post on Monday.***

I made the mistake last night at church talking politics with one of my friends. Actually, she brought up how she can’t wait for it all to be over; she’s tired of hearing the same arguments over and over. Then she said something that totally boggled me. She commented on how Jesus never talked about abortion or homosexuality. Now I understand where she was coming from. The Religious Right is too narrowly focused on these issues above all else. But the case she makes doesn’t apply to her point. She commented on how the world was more “jacked up” in Jesus’ day, yet he didn’t bring up these issues. The Romans practiced infanticide, but Jesus didn’t say anything against it. Homosexuality was common in pagan worship and temple prostitution, but Jesus didn’t say anything against it. Well first of all, Jesus ministered to the Jews who lived in and around Jerusalem. He never went to Rome or Corinth or associated with Greek prostitutes. So why would he bring these subjects up? But here’s a twist on the argument. Slaves were present all around Jesus’ ministry. In fact, the Old Testament gives instructions regarding slavery. And Jesus never said a word about the practice. Should that mean that slavery is not a religious issue of concern to Christians? Someone should’ve told that to William Wilberforce.

I mentioned that and she side-stepped it by then saying that Jesus never preached politics anyway. Well yes, and no. His comment on “giv[ing] to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” was both a theological and political statement since Caesar claimed divinity. At the same time, he didn’t take any side to the dismay of the religious leaders. The same was true when Jesus instructed his disciples how to pray by saying “Our Father, who is in heaven, hallowed be your name.” The first comment personalized the God of the tetragrammaton, YHWH, which would’ve upset the religious leaders, but followed that up by praising his name which usurped the divinity of Caesar. If anything, his politics were indirect. But because he wasn’t the political leader many thought the Messiah should’ve been, it was easy to entice Judas to betray him.

The extension of my friend’s argument, that she didn’t mention, was that Jesus preached about the poor more than anything else, so that should be a political priority. I don’t disagree, except for the political aspect of it. Jim Wallis, in his book God’s Politics, dedicates a section in his first chapter titled, “The Political Problem of Jesus” and then goes on to turn Jesus’ teaching into a political argument. This is where I disagree with him. I don’t believe that because Jesus said to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” that that should apply to foreign policy. That is a personal command. Not a political one. And there’s a difference between being under attack and persecuted. But he argues that if a political leader claims to be a Christian, then they should apply that to their politics. I agree that faith should guide morality applied through politics. But to apply faith directly to politics turns this pluralistic country into a theocracy, which I believe Jesus would’ve opposed. A political leader needs to consider the big picture and the good of the country and balance that not against, but rather on, their faith. In other words, their faith should be the fulcrum of their lever, not one side of the balancing act.

Back to the personal aspect of Jesus’ teachings. His commentaries on the poor, lack of explicit political stances, and teachings on the Kingdom of Heaven are personal, not national. So we can’t apply “love your enemies” or “blessed are the peacemakers” to policy. That’s not to say I’m pro-war. But whether or not to go and participate in war is a personal decision that would have to be informed by a personal faith. Whereas the decision to engage in war on the national level must be policy driven. At the same time, I believe our Freedom of Speech also obligates us to speak out against war if our conscience leads us to.

This would then imply that a Christian politician cannot effectively hold an office and still keep Jesus first and God above all. And I think there’s truth to that. That’s why I’m suspicious of any politician who says I should vote for him or her because of their faith. And that’s also why I don’t expect our moral problems to be “fixed” via politics, but instead through individual Christians actively living out their convictions.

As for abortion and homosexuality, I told my friend that sin is still sin. That doesn’t mean that morality at that level should be legislated. But if my vote gives me a voice, I want to cast it to make a statement of my faith. And that is what I will continue to wrestle with up to, and beyond, November 4.